From Blueprint to Bright Future: Embracing Digitalization for Sustainable Buildings
Glodon Jul 2023
A digital building refers to the application of digital technologies and processes throughout the entire lifecycle of a building project.....

Shaping a Sustainable Future with Digital
Glodon jun 2023
The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria have become increasingly important in today’s rapidly evolving world.

Digital twins and the importance of data
Buro Happold May 2023
Digital twin technology is increasingly important within the built environment, to provide actionable performance insights while protecting the natural environment.

Combining digital twins with Building Lifecycle Intelligence
PBC Today Jan 2023
“With trusted data, great things happen.” This is the new tagline from nima, the former UK BIM Alliance. As a strong advocate for the adoption of digital twins in the built environment, I could not agree more with this statement.

Migliorare l'ambiente costruito con la forza dei dati e della tecnologia
Ingenio Jan 2023
Oggigiorno produciamo un enorme quantità di dati, perché non sfruttarli per migliorare la qualità delle costruzioni? Una corretta gestione dei dati può....

Demystifying Digital: Digital Twins
ACE Emerging Professionals dec 2022
Construction is the least digitised industry in our society; digitisation and technology of the industry can help us bring much need innovation to allow us to improve current low-profit margins..

Cristina Savian is driving digital transformation in the built environment
Executive MBA (EMBA) alumna Cristina Savian’s consultancy focuses on innovation...
Cristina Savian
University of Cambridge
oct 2020

Digital twins for smart places
Current global population trends indicate that by 2050, more than 80 per cent of us will live in...
Cristina Savian
Business Reporter
nov 2019

Digital Twins for a Safer Built Environment
As a native of Turin Italy, I was horrified at the Ponte Morandi bridge collapse last year...
Cristina Savian
aec Business
oct 2019

How Digital Twins will transform the construction industry
The World Summit on Digital Built Environments featured speakers from across...
Cristina Savian
Aec Next News
oct 2019